I’m going to be teaching my teen to drive. I don’t have a brake on my side. Where do I start?

A good start for parents and teens is to read the free pamphlet “PARENT TEEN TRAINING GUIDE” from the DMV (available online dmv.ca.gov) so you have an idea what and how to teach.

Choose a great driving school like Roadrunner. If you are in Windsor, you can contact Take Me Driving. If you are in Petaluma, you can contact Cheryl’s Driving School. They are both quality schools.

After your teen’s first lesson, when we know what their strengths and challenges are, we will give you helpful advice and recommendations on how to work with them.  Most students develop quickly working with a knowledgeable instructor who cares.  It really helps that we have a brake on our side.  It is much easier for the atmosphere in the training vehicle to remain calm, and for the student to develop skills and gain confidence.  If a student is still struggling with basic car control skills after the first lesson, the instructor will suggest you schedule a second lesson sooner rather than the usual recommended 6 to 8 weeks.

Try driving with your teen in familiar areas.  Do NOT begin by backing the car out of the garage.  Get the car on level ground in a position where they can begin going forward.  Be sure you discuss proper seat, steering wheel and mirror adjustment as instructed during the lesson.  Drive in very familiar areas to begin with.  If your teen freaks you out, or if you freak them out, call us for that next lesson.

If you are facing unknowns, call us.  We may be able to offer simple advice over the phone to help you deal with the situation. We are your partners in putting great drivers on the road.
